Yaowarat returns to life

SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2020

The Yaowarat street food scene is bustling again, as was visible on Friday (May 22) evening after the government eased lockdown measures and allowed selected businesses to reopen.

Yaowarat returns to life

Located in Samphantawong district, Yaowarat is well known as the main artery of Bangkok's Chinatown, full of fresh markets, street foods and goldsmith shops. The Covid-19 outbreak that hit Thailand since March has resulted in the busy street becoming mostly empty for weeks.

Yaowarat returns to life

After the relaxation of lockdown measures, street food vendors have started to set up their stalls while maintaining social distancing by adding space between tables and installing clear partitions to prevent the spread of the virus and other germs. All vendors and customers are encouraged to wear face masks (except when they are eating or drinking) and use hand-sanitising gel frequently. Customers are also reminded that shops will close earlier than usual to comply with the government’s curfew from 11pm to 4am.

Yaowarat returns to life

Yaowarat returns to life

Yaowarat returns to life

Yaowarat returns to life

Yaowarat returns to life

Yaowarat returns to life

Yaowarat returns to life