7-Eleven delivery staff saves client’s life in Bangkok


“Clients are not gods, clients are family,” said 7-Eleven delivery staff Sumonsri Pengthab after saving a client who had collapsed in front of her.

This heart-warming story of a 7-Eleven employee in Bangkok’s Nong Khaem district giving first aid to a shopper overcome by an asthma attack has gone viral on the internet.

Wipassri Wanwichai was at her door taking a 7-Eleven delivery from Sumonsri when she dropped to the ground and appeared to be hyperventilating.

Sumonsri immediately called the emergency hotline and started delivering CPR. The patient was then taken to hospital.

“It would have been my last breath if it wasn’t for Tae [Sumonsri]. I am thankful and can say I have a good experience with 7-Eleven,” Wipassri said.