Government stimulus packages have facilitated recovery of SMEs


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Thailand are on the path to recovery due to the stimulus packages launched by the government, according to the Federation of Thai SME.

The federation president, Chonrungsee Chalermchaikit, said that some SMEs had already recovered from the Covid-19 crisis. She added that the stimulus package “Khon La Khrueng” (Let’s Go Halves) had helped in the recovery of grass-roots businesses, increasing the sales of SME products.
However, she said that sales had not returned to their normal level. At the moment, sales were lower than the pre-pandemic levels by around 30 per cent.
She added that sales of SMEs would gradually recover if the second wave of Covid-19 does not occur in Thailand.
Chonrungsee said that SMEs in the tourism sector have still not recovered, especially the small ones. She explained that domestic tourists could not make up for the absence of foreigners, and the government should improve its tourism stimulus package for small entrepreneurs.
As for the Covid-19 situation in the northern provinces of the country, Chonrungsee described it as an aggravation for tourism in the region, if the government is unable to control it.
Next year, the president predicted that SME entrepreneurs would improve or adapt themselves in line with the post-coronavirus market situation. She predicted that entrepreneurs would adopt technologies for various parts of their businesses, whether production, management, marketing or even service. And tech startups would increase to tackle the technological need of businesses in the future.
Chonrungsee said that a weak point of small companies was that the owners did everything by themselves, so there was not enough time for them to focus on digital improvement of their businesses.