Saliva tests for Covid-19 will be faster, more effective: Dr Opas


Testing saliva samples will not only cut down costs, but will also make efforts to curb the virus more effective, said Dr Opas Karnkawinpong, director-general of the Disease Control Department.

Dr Opas, who is also secretary of the National Communicable Diseases Committee, said saliva tests will be easier, faster and more economical, especially in places like factories. Also, he said, such proactive steps will help boost confidence in the business industry.

Though Covid-19 screening by testing oral and nasal swabs through the RT-PCR method is still being widely used, saliva tests are also 90 per cent effective. If the virus is detected in the saliva sample, then the patient can undergo an RT-PCR test, he said.

“Provinces, especially those where many migrant workers are employed, may consider conducting saliva tests,” Dr Opas said.