About 5,000 Yellow/Red-coded patients waiting for beds in Bangkok


About 5,000 Red and Yellow-coded Covid-19 patients (severe and moderate symptoms) are still waiting for hospital beds in Bangkok, the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA)’s operation centre reported on Monday.

Patients isolating at home in Bangkok and its vicinity now number about 100,000, said CCSA operation centre spokesperson Dr Apisamai Srirangsan.

However, the number of Green and Yellow patients (mild-moderate) waiting for beds has dropped sharply. The number peaked on July 24 at 5,668 but had fallen to 2,093 as of August 8 (Sunday). The drop was caused by a change in criteria for home and community isolation.

Some 70-80 per cent of all patients calling the 1330 health hotline are green-coded (mild or asymptomatic), said Apisamai.

The 100,000 patients isolating at home are under the care of 246 teams of medical staff.

The CCSA also asked for cooperation from Bangkok’s 3,000-plus private clinics to help take care of people in this group.

Bangkok and its vicinity also have 8,886 beds in Community Isolation facilities, though these are being crowded by new cases every day, she said.

The Public Health Ministry is renovating and upgrading hospitals and facilities with the goal of providing another 2,000 beds for Yellow-coded patients in field hospitals and hospitels and 7,000 beds in state and private hospitals.