Critics allege too many speed cameras on Lamphun-Lampang superhighway

MONDAY, MAY 27, 2024

Netizens are criticising the use of speed cameras on superhighways in the Lamphun-Lampang area, especially in Doi Khun Tan, where the speed limit is between 50 and 90 kilometres per hour. Netizens say that this hilly area demands strong driving skills and the speed rule is unreasonable.

The comments started flowing when the Facebook page ที่นี่ลำพูน (translated as here as “Lamphun”) published a post saying “[On] Lamphun-Lampang, up and down Doi Khun Tan, drive safely but no faster than 50, 60, 80, 90 depending on each spot. 

“If you can pass through this area, you are skilful, because you need to keep looking at the signs, rear glass, side mirror, speedometer, and where the speed cameras are, also the road and traffic lines.”

Critics allege too many speed cameras on Lamphun-Lampang superhighway

The page also posted a picture of locations where speed cameras are on the superhighway (Highway 11) between Lampang and Lamphun provinces heading to Chiang Mai.

The cameras are 8K-pixel units and each spot along the highway has a different speed limit, ranging from 50 to 60, 80 and 90km/h.

The post went viral quickly and attracted numerous shares and comments. Some comments say it is impossible to pass through this area without getting caught on those speed cameras, and it is not practical to drive in this specific area at the enforced limits, with some adding that by obeying the limits, they might take three days to arrive at their destination, or maybe they would be better off using a bicycle.

Critics allege too many speed cameras on Lamphun-Lampang superhighway

People also questioned how many cars get the speeding tickets in a day and how much all those speeding tickets cost.