Collaboration with Chinese influencers helps sell durians worth THB100m

THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2024

A durian trader in Thailand’s Chanthaburi province sold 100 million baht worth of durians on a Chinese e-commence platform in just three days with help from two Chinese social media influencers, Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai said on Thursday.

Phumtham said he was informed by Jirawut Suwan-arj, Chanthaburi’s chief commerce officer, that the sale of durian during a live broadcast on FreshJN e-commerce platform from May 13 to 15 managed to sell 20 million yuan worth of the fruit, or about 100 million baht.

The live session, called Thai Fruit Festival, was the result of cooperation among the Chanthaburi Commerce Office, the Foreign Trade Promotion Office in Guangzhou and the FreshJN.

The agencies sought help from two Chinese influencers called Li Kai and Li Weng Long to sell the durians from Jin Di Fu warehouse in Tambon Khao Wua of Chanthaburi’s Tha Mai district.

Collaboration with Chinese influencers helps sell durians worth THB100m

The warehouse is a large middleman buying durians from farmers in Chanthaburi for exports. FreshJN is a Chinese e-commerce platform that focuses on fresh food supply chain services.

Apart from the sales amount, the three-day live session also attracted the interest of consumers worldwide to taste Thai durians, Phumchai boasted. He said it would also boost demand for Thai durians among Chinese consumers.
  Collaboration with Chinese influencers helps sell durians worth THB100m