IP Dept protests use of Thai flag as logo by convenience store in China

SUNDAY, MARCH 04, 2012

The Intellectual Property Department has raised its concerns with China after finding that Thailand's flag design has been used as a convenience store logo there.

“The Thai government has expressed worry that it may be considered demeaning to the Thai national flag because of its similarity. The department will urgently ask for the Chinese government’s cooperation in resolving the problem as soon as possible,” Pajchima Tanasanti, director-general of the department, said last week.
The use of the tricolour could lead to misunderstanding among the public that the shop belongs to the Thai government.
The department recently learned that WOWO Franchise Supermarket Managing Co of Sichuan in Chengdu province had applied the design of the Thai flag as the background of the shop name “WOWO” on the door. The company is a franchiser of convenience stores in China.
On February 27, the department submitted letters to the China Trademark Office and the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce in Beijing, calling for cooperation to withdraw the trademark as it breaches the Paris Convention. The department requested the Chinese government to help settle the dispute as both Thailand and China are contracting parties to the Paris Convention, which states that members must not accept any trademark registration if the trademark copies or is similar to the flag or other symbol of a member state.
However, the Chinese company recently refused to withdraw its trademark, saying it was following the trend of the industry, like 7-Eleven, which also uses coloured stripes as its trademark.
The firm said that it uses orange for the flag’s main stripe, while Thailand’s flag uses red.
 WOWO is a 24-hour convenience store with many branches nationwide. The firm registered its two trademarks on April 14, 2009 and June 21, 2010.
 To prevent future problems, Pajchima advised Thais to inform the department immediately if they see an inappropriate use of Thailand’s symbols in any activities or overseas.