Mistaken diagnosis followed by poor prescription


Re: “Outrageous claims”, Have Your Say, November 20.

Perhaps Dr Frank is a person of a very advanced age, which might explain why he just attacked me for words that weren’t my own.
In his eagerness to chastise me, Dr Frank failed to read my letter on Saturday thoroughly: I am not the one who made the claim about “America’s free press”. Eric Bahrt did. I was quoting him.
Dr Frank also tried to intimidate me by criticising my “Orwellian misquote”: “No human beings, regardless of the colour of their skins, are more human than others.”
Luckily, I couldn’t care less what Dr Frank says about my writing. So long as I can get my message across, I will write any way I see fit.
After all, I’m not the one who tries to impress others by putting a prefix in front of my name. That’s not my nature.
Chavalit Wannawijitr
Chiang Mai