This Australian tourist will not be deterred by terrorism


Over the past 18 years I have enjoyed at least 12 trips to Thailand from my homeland in Australia. Always, the hospitality shown by Thai people has been a wonderful mix of generosity, warmth, kindness and respect.

The terrorist bombings this week, with so many deaths and injuries, has shocked and saddened me. 

These feelings are also shared by the vast majority of my fellow Australians, who hold Thailand in high regard. My condolences and sympathies go to the families and friends who have lost loved ones or suffered injury and distress.
Yet the threats and evil acts of deluded desperation of these or any other terrorists will never prevent me from travelling to Thailand. It is essential that tourists from around the world support your communities, people and their livelihoods by not staying away because of fear. In two weeks time I will again arrive in Bangkok for another stay.
May peace, harmony and respect for all life prevail over hatred, rage, violence and inhumanity. 
Pablo Bateson 
New South Wales, Australia

This Australian tourist will not be deterred by terrorism