Thailand holds global education conference "Forum for World Education 2022" for the first time


FWE joins CP Group in sessions with business and educational experts to advance and transform education to satisfy business demands in the 5.0 era. CP senior president believes that education may help a nation develop.

Forum for World Education (FWE) in collaboration with Charoen Pokphand Group (CP Group) held a summit "Forum for World Education 2022" for leaders in education from public and private sectors around the world under the theme of “Shaping the Future of Education to Match Global Economic Trends” on December 1st -2nd, 2022 at the C.P. Leadership Institute, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand.

More than 400 education professionals from different countries collaborate with international business leaders who are concerned with human development and education to come up with a model for education that will serve both the requirements of the future and businesses all over the world.

The discussion at the forum will cover a variety of subjects, including "Strategies for Shaping the Future of Education in Line with Global Economic Trends" and "Educational Transformation & Human Capital Readiness to The World 5.0." with the goal of transforming education and constructing a strong human resource base for the future global economy in the 5.0 era.

Thailand holds global education conference \"Forum for World Education 2022\" for the first time

World-class business leaders who value human development and education, as well as educational leaders from different nations, attended Forum for World Education 2022, including Dr. Cheng Yan Davis, co-founder and secretary-general of FWE, Mr. Anek Laothammathat, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, Dr. Tan See Leng, Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Singapore, Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont, senior president of Charoen Pokphand Group, Khunying Kalaya Sophonpanich, Deputy Minister of Education, Assoc. Prof. Dr.Khunying Sumonta Promboon, Andreas Schleicher, director of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Mr. Michael Bloomberg, founder of Bloomberg News and former Mayor of New York City, Mr. Vikram Rao, Head of Enterprise, ASEAN from Amazon, Dr. Inoue Mitsuteru, Senior Executive Director, Kosen Institute, Japan, Mr. Collin Marson, Director of Education, Google Asia Pacific and Mr. Li Kai Chen, Senior Partner and Managing Partner, Mackenzie.

Thailand holds global education conference \"Forum for World Education 2022\" for the first time

Dr. Cheng Yan Davis, co-founder of the Forum for World Education (FWE) and secretary-general of the Global Council for Education, said that the FWE has existed for more than three years as a forum for businesses who believe that education may spur economic progress.

"Today, we invite global educational leaders to a discussion focused on the future, both online and offline. FWE will make every effort to assist on research and education since we think education will advance commerce. Because of the pandemic we are currently experiencing, we would like to encourage everyone to utilize the potential of education to shape the global economy," she said.

Thailand holds global education conference \"Forum for World Education 2022\" for the first time

The senior president of Charoen Pokphand Group, Dhanin Chearavanont, stated that the forum's main issues were education and human development. Education is the key to human progress and determines how much a nation can develop. There won't be a CEO if a strong organization doesn't generate leaders with broad expertise. In the past, out of a fear that other organizations would take them away, we only created people to operate in silos. But at CP, we develop owners who are familiar with every aspect of the business—profits, accounts, losses, human resources, public relations, etc.—and we have no fear that they will leave the company. Instead, we believe that we have produced individuals for the nation and for society.

"Selfish people will never become excellent leaders, so if we want to build leaders, we must create leaders who are appreciative, know how to give, to learn, and able to be disadvantaged. Charoen Pokphand Group has six core values: Three Benefits, Speed with Quality, Simplification, Accept Change, Innovation, and the most important thing is Integrity. You have to be a good person who understands how to return favors to the land, show gratitude to parents, love your family, love the organization, and love your coworkers to be good leaders," he said.

Thailand holds global education conference \"Forum for World Education 2022\" for the first time

The FWE meeting today is a preparation for continuing workforce development to satisfy of an increasingly complicated and unstable world, according to Dr. Tan See Leng, Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Singapore. Singapore places a high priority on effectively developing its human resources from an early age. In particular, the development of 21st century values and capacities, world knowledge, skills, and cultural distinctions, which have become incredibly relevant in the modern world.

"The pandemic crisis taught us to understand the importance of lifelong learning, which enables our workforce to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. Singapore continues to invest in lifelong learning and aiding those who have lost their employment by motivating them to be resilient and effective at work, especially through training and skill enhancement, along with future economic and technological progress," he said.

Thailand holds global education conference \"Forum for World Education 2022\" for the first time

Mr. Andreas Schleicher, director of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), revealed that the most important thing that affects the quality of education is student and teacher attitude in supporting learning.

"Learning attitudes play a critical role in determining how the next generation will develop. Children will create a learning and creative environment if they are not scared to make mistakes, dare to make decisions, and brave enough to take risks," he said. "Also, if we provide everyone the chance to discover their aptitude and talent, they will be able to improve both individually and qualitatively. Additionally, the most crucial element in the process of learning and building a successful educational system is the teacher. The challenge is that there aren't enough competent teachers. How do we encourage teachers of the new generation to go beyond the classroom? How can we recruit more qualified individuals to work as teachers in the system?”

The Forum for World Education (FWE) is a non-profit world organization with its headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America. In order to influence and change the education system to suit the rapidly shifting global society and economic backdrop, FWE aspires to connect the education system with businesses and provide corporate opinions on educational management.

The "Forum for World Education" symposium, which annually hosted by FWE was first held in Paris, France, in 2019. The CP Group and Concordian International School collaborated to make this year's Forum for World Education 2022 possible in Thailand on December 1 and 2, 2022, at the C.P. Leadership Institute in the Pak Chong District of Nakhon Ratchasima Province.