NACC proceeds on ITA Committee Meeting 2/2024


On May 3, 2024, the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) held the Integrity and Transparency Assessment Committee Meeting for the second time this year by having Pol. Gen. Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit, president of the NACC Board chaired the meeting along with the ITA committee, NACC executives, experts from external agencies and related parties attended the meeting at Nonthaburi Room 3, 3rd Floor, Building 4, NACC Office. The meeting was also held in conjunction with a video conference.

NACC proceeds on ITA Committee Meeting 2/2024

The participants consisted of representatives of heads of government departments and experts. As ITA, there were representatives from the Permanent Secretary of the Interior Ministry, Royal Thai Police commander, secretary-general of the Civil Service Commission,  secretary-general of the National Economic and Social Development Council, secretary-general of the Office of Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC), director of the Office of the State Enterprise Policy Commission, director of the Office for National Statistical, director of the Digital Government Development Agency (Public Organization), director-general of the Comptroller General Department, director-general of the Department of Provincial Administration, director-general of the Department of Local Administration, governor of Bangkok, Associate Prof. Dr. Manee Chaiteeranuwatsiri, Mr. Prasat Phongsiwapai, Professor Dr. Phakdee Phothisiri, Professor Pol Gen Dr. Patchara Sinloyma, Associate Professor Dr. Duangkamon Triwijitkun, Mr. Tawichat Nillakan, Assistant Secretary-General of the NACC, director of the Policy and Strategy Office, director of Bureau of Good Governance Development and Promotion (BGG), and director of the Office of Integrity and Transparency Assessment. 

NACC proceeds on ITA Committee Meeting 2/2024

The gist of the meeting is as follows:  

1. Integrity and Transparency Assessment (ITA) progress report of government agencies for fiscal year 2024. Responses of government agencies for IIT showed 355,172 respondents, while EIT Part 1 had 452,067 respondents, and EIT Part 2 had 90,374 respondents. 

2. Integrity and Transparency Assessment (ITA) progress report of lower-level departments (Bangkok district offices, districts, and police stations) for the fiscal year 2024.

- Response on IIT and EIT by Bangkok offices found 32,001 respondents for IIT and 29,151 respondents for EIT (information as of May 2, 2024).

- At the district level, there were 235,911 respondents on IIT and 401,591 respondents on EIT (Information as of May 2, 2024).

- Among the police, there were 116,721 respondents on IIT and 625,022 respondents on EIT (Information as of May 2, 2024).

- A total of 384,633 respondents on IIT and 1,055,764 respondents on EIT were collected. IIT and EIT data can be collected until July 1, 2024.

- An importing of OIT data of government agencies (Integrity & Transparency Assessment (ITA) of agencies under the department level (Bangkok district offices, district administration office, and police stations) had been completed by 100%. 

NACC proceeds on ITA Committee Meeting 2/2024

3. Report on the progress of the Integrity & Transparency Assessment of Government Contractors (ITAGC) for fiscal year 2024 at the policy level and the local administrative level. 

- Complete recording of basic information for 139 agencies participating in the assessment, accounting for 100 percent. The data collection of Integrity and Transparency Assessment of Government Contractors or ITAGC-I assessment respondents and ITAGC-O is in progress. 

4. ITAGC and ISO37001 assessment tools comparison data.

5. Open Data Integrity and Transparency Assessment (OIT) Scoring Guidelines Assessing the integrity and transparency of government agencies at lower levels (Bangkok district offices, districts administrative offices, and police stations) for the fiscal year 2024

- Guidelines for random testing are as follows: 

1) Weight with very high and very low scores (all).                 

2) Review OIT by the qualitative data component. 

3) Review OIT for data with significant coherence.

NACC proceeds on ITA Committee Meeting 2/2024

6. Awarding integrity and transparency for government agencies in fiscal year 2024 in order to boost the morale of government agencies that have improved in promoting integrity and transparency. The award criteria for fiscal year 2024 have been set.

7. Guidelines for scoring Open Data Integrity and Transparency Assessment (OIT) in government agencies for fiscal year 2024. 


*This press release translation is funded by the National Anti-Corruption Fund (NACF).

