Khao San ready for thousands of Songkran visitors 


With over 30,000 visitors expected to be celebrating the Songkran festival along the Khao San road, 7 security checkpoints will be set up

With over 30,000 visitors, mostly Chinese tourists, expected to be celebrating the Songkran festival along the Khao San road, seven security checkpoints will be set up to screen the huge number of tourists. This is to ensure orderliness and safety to the visitors. Khao San business operators, together with police and volunteers will work together to provide designated security guards and personnel to assist and protect the influx of visitors including their vehicles parked near the Khao San road during the Songkran festival, Pol. Maj. Gen. Attaporn Wongsiripreeda of the Metropolitan Police Division 1 said.

Furthermore, the fire department will check on business establishments to ensure they have adequate fire extinguishers and proper fire prevention safety measures. The security guards and volunteers will be equipped with walkie-talkie to ensure fast and communication and coordination in case of emergency situation, for which 3 emergency reporting posts are set up along the Khao San road.