Glitchy system creates drama as lottery winners are told they lost


Winners of the national digital lottery were on tenterhooks until 10pm on Sunday when a message from the Government Lottery Office (GLO) brought back their smiles.

After the results of the October 1 draw were announced at 4pm on Sunday, many winners flooded social media with complaints that though they had won, the Paotang app claimed they had not.

Some even posted screenshots of the Paotang app attached to their complaint.

The complaints prompted GLO to post messages on its Line account explaining that there was a glitch after it had linked its new L6 digital lottery system to the Paotang app.

This is the first time that people bought lotteries through the L6 system, with its first draw on Sunday. The Paotang app had been previously used to sell GLO lottery tickets.

In the Line message, GLO explained that the L6 digital lottery system was new and that it would have the glitch fixed right away.

By 10pm on Sunday, GLO posted another Line message saying the glitch had been fixed and the Paotang app was now correctly reporting and alerting winners.

On Monday, GLO director Lt-Colonel Noon Sansanakhom issued a statement on the GLO website, apologising for the error.

Noon explained that the October 1 draw saw the sale of 21 million L6 digital lottery tickets.

Also, he said, a new reward redeeming feature was added to the October 1 draw, and both GLO and Krungthai Bank had rushed to update the Paotang app to add the new features resulting in a glitch. He added that the app can now be used to purchase lottery tickets from Monday as usual.