NBT channel told to up its presentation techniques


The government’s National Public Relations Committee on Wednesday resolved to improve the ratings of Thailand’s NBT TV channel to better communicate government policies and information to the public.

The NBT channel, which stands for National Broadcasting Services of Thailand, is currently in 17th place in Thailand’s ratings for television channels.

The committee members met on Wednesday to discuss the operations and achievement of agencies responsible for the government’s public relations missions. The session was presided over by Deputy Prime Minister Somsak Thepsutin, and was joined by executives of the Government Public Relations Department.

Somsak admitted that the NBT channel appeared unable to convey messages from the government to viewers across the country comprehensively and efficiently. The meeting suggested that the channel improves its presentation techniques, making the content more interesting to improve its ratings and therefore attract more viewers.

“Digital TV channels of private operators are communicating government messages but these make up only a relatively low proportion of general and local news,” he said. “NBT needs to pick up the slack by improving its news presentation technique to up its ratings, thus becoming an alternative channel for the public to catch up on latest updates from the government.”

Somsak also pointed out that government agencies rarely address the public directly when concerns or doubts regarding their operations arise, but instead issue a written statement, which he said creates a negative image.

He then urged relevant agencies to be swift in clarifying public doubts, especially regarding fake news that is rampant on social media and other platforms, to minimise public misunderstanding.