Swiss man, wife apologise for their behaviour towards Thai female doctor

FRIDAY, MARCH 01, 2024

A Swiss man accused of kicking a Thai female doctor at his luxury villa in Phuket's Thalang district apologised on Friday for his behaviour and said that he was enraged because of previous trespassing by Chinese people.

The man was identified only by his first name, David.

The incident took place at around 7.30pm on February 24. David reportedly kicked Thandao Chandam on her back when she and her female friend were sitting on the villa's steps in Cape Yamu, which they assumed was a public property.

However, investigations following the case, led to the discovery that the steps to the villa encroached on public land. David and his Thai wife have been given three days to demolish the construction.

The foreigner, who owns an elephant sanctuary in Phuket, apologised to all Thais involved in the incident. He said that he got angry because many people trespassed his villa's steps every week, which he believed was a private property.

Asked about his remark that he had just slipped on the steps and had no intention to kick the female doctor, David said he got mad because of the trespassing by Chinese people.

About 7-8 Chinese people had trespassed the villa's lawns, and he was worried if they would assault his Thai wife, he explained.

Swiss man, wife apologise for their behaviour towards Thai female doctor

David's Thai wife further explained that the Chinese people had also trespassed the villa's swimming pool. She added that she was swimming in the pool, and her husband was not in the villa during that time.

The foreigner's wife also admitted that she got mad during the incident when David kicked Thandao, as she believed that her husband was dealing with the previous group of Chinese people.

She reiterated that she knew a senior police officer in the province, adding that her son was a low-rank policeman.

"I sincerely apologise for our improper behaviour and its impact on Phuket," she said, adding that she was ready to atone for her misbehaviour.