2.61 million travellers expected to use Thailand’s 6 main airports in Songkran


The Transport Ministry expects the six international airports run by Airports of Thailand (AOT) to see some 2.61 million passengers during the seven-day Songkran break.

Transport Minister Suriya Juangroongruangkit said on Thursday that he has instructed all relevant agencies to be prepared for the massive number of passengers who will travel by land, sea or air from April 11 to 17.

Suriya added that he has instructed AOT to ensure full convenience and security for passengers using the six airports.

He said approximately 2.61 million passengers are expected to use these airports between April 11 and 17, or 28.5% more than the same period last year. Of them, 1.65 million are expected to be foreigners, and the remainder locals.

2.61 million travellers expected to use Thailand’s 6 main airports in Songkran

The minister said the six airports will see 15,113 flights, or 16.71% more compared to the same period last year. Of these, 8,682 will be international flights and 6,431 domestic.

Suriya added that people flying out of Bangkok can park their cars for free at Suvarnabhumi International Airport’s Zone D carpark from April 12 to 16. Those using the Don Mueang International Airport can park their cars for free on the fifth floor of the carpark building from April 11 to 17, he added.


2.61 million travellers expected to use Thailand’s 6 main airports in Songkran

Meanwhile, AOT CEO Kirati Kitmanawat said the airport authority will set up a coordination centre to provide convenience and monitor the safety of passengers during the period on a ’round-the-clock basis.

He also advised passengers to use automatic kiosks at AOT airports for boarding and loading luggage to avoid long queues.