Chiang Mai’s Doi Inthanon dons its winter cape of frost


Chiang Mai’s Doi Inthanon mountain looked like a magical Christmas cake with a dusting of white sugar on Sunday morning, as cold temperatures froze the morning dew.

This is the sixth time that the mountain has been covered in frost this year and the first time in about a month.

Park authorities reported that the temperature on the mountaintop and the Kew Mae Pan viewpoint had dropped to 4 degrees Celsius on Sunday morning. However, the park office lower down was slightly warmer at 11 degrees Celsius.

The Doi Inthanon Facebook page showed that the mountain had 4,778 visitors on Saturday. Chiang Mai’s Doi Inthanon dons its winter cape of frost

The last five times frost was spotted on the mountain this year were:

• May 7: The carpark near the peak was covered in frost when the temperature dropped to 4 degrees Celsius.

• November 8: Temperature fell to 6C covering the carpark in frost.

• November 10-12: The mercury fell to between 3C and 4C covering the Kew Mae Pan viewpoint, the carpark and the area between kilometre markers 43 and 44 with frost. Chiang Mai’s Doi Inthanon dons its winter cape of frost

Chiang Mai’s Doi Inthanon dons its winter cape of frost