Number of Chinese tourists continuing to increase, statistics show

FRIDAY, MAY 19, 2023

The number of flights between China and Thailand is continuing to increase but is still significantly lower than pre-Covid, according to Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Co., Ltd. (Aerothai) president Nopasit Chakpitak.

A total of 12,805 flights landed in the country between October 2022 and April 2023 and with this increasing trend predicted o continue, preparations are being made to manage air traffic and ensure smooth operations.

China's lifting of Covid-19 travel restrictions early this year has led to increased demand for flights and higher frequency from Chinese airlines, Nopasit said.

January saw just 1,063 Chinese flights, followed by 1,749 in February, 3,082 in March, and 4,240 in April. It is projected that there will be 5,330 flights in May, 6,090 in June, 7,150 in July, 7,460 in August, and 7,340 flights in September, Nopasit said, bringing the total number of Chinese flights for the year to September 30 to 46,175. However, the projected number is still 66% lower compared to the same period in 2019, Nopasit added.