Over 1,000 tourists rush to Huai Nam Dang National Park to enjoy chilly mornings


On Tuesday morning, a crowd of 1,167 tourists climbed to the Kiew Lom mountaintop viewpoint in Huai Nam Dang Park to enjoy chilly temperatures and to make the most of their holiday.

December 5 is a national holiday to mark the birthday of King Rama IX and National Father’s Day.

Bancha Ramsiri, the park’s chief, said a total of 412 vehicles had entered the park in the morning.

With temperatures dipping to a cool 13 degrees Celsius atop the Kiew Lom mountain in Chiang Mai’s Mae Taeng district, tourists were treated to a mesmerising sea of mist and a breathtaking sunrise.

Over 1,000 tourists rush to Huai Nam Dang National Park to enjoy chilly mornings

Bancha noted that the influx of tourists to the viewpoint had surged after the lotuses on Bua Tong field had stopped blooming. The Bua Tong field is in nearby Mae Hong Son’s Khun Yuam district.