1.5 million in Myanmar homeless due to escalating conflict: UNOCHA


The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) announced that the armed conflict has intensified in Myanmar since October 27, leaving more than 1.5 million people homeless in various regions and states.

Armed conflicts continue in various parts of the country, including the Tatmadaw and Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAO) and People’s Defence Force (PDF).

Townships across the northwest and southeast of the country have been affected by widespread armed conflict, with civilian casualties and displacement, according to the UNOCHA.

Since October 27, due to the intensification of fighting, more than half of 1.5 million people have been displaced in many states and regions.

Despite challenges of insecurity, access and communication, essential humanitarian assistance is being provided to those affected using a variety of approaches, UNOCHA said in a statement.

About 50,000 IDPs in Laukkai Township, bordering China in northern Shan State, have received little assistance, and humanitarian partners are negotiating to reach out and provide assistance, UNOCHA said in a statement.

UNOCHA said in a statement that blocking major transportation routes and restricting movement in townships experiencing armed conflicts across the country also hindered humanitarian access.

UNOCHA's statement stated that due to the blockade of motorways and waterways in Rakhine State, there is a daily shortage of household goods in the local market, and the prices of goods are rising.

Eleven Media

Asia News Network