CHRONOLOGY Chronology of terrorist bomb attacks in Turkey


Istanbul- Turkey has been hit by a series of terrorist bombattacks since the beginning of 2016. A list of the most deadly onesfollows:

December 10: Two explosions tear through the Istanbul suburb ofBesiktas at the conclusion of a football game. The authorities saythat, so far, at least 29 people are confirmed dead and 166 areinjured. The suspects are believed to have used at least one carbomb.

November 24: At least two people are killed and 33 are wounded in acar bombing outside the regional governor's office in Adana insouthern Turkey.

November 4: At least eight people are killed in the Kurdish-majoritycity of Diyarbakir in a car-bomb attack that comes hours after thearrests of pro-Kurdish legislators.

October 16: A suspected Islamic State suicide bomber kills himselfand three security officers in an explosion during a police raid inthe south-eastern Turkish city of Gaziantep. A second suicide bomberlater blows himself up in a raid on a house in the Burak district ofthe city.

August 21: A bomb at an outdoor wedding ceremony, also in Gaziantep,kills at least 54 people according to local media. 29 of the deadlisted as children.

August 17 and August 18: Three bomb attacks targeting Turkish policeand the army hit the provinces of Elazig, Van and Bitlis, killing 12people. More than 200 people are injured. Turkish Prime MinisterBinali Yildirim says that the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)are responsible for the attack.

June 28: A suicide bomb attack on the international terminal ofAtaturk airport in Istanbul leaves 45 people dead. The Turkishgovernment blames Islamic State for the attack, and arrest dozens ofsuspects.

June 11: A car bomb kills twelve people in central Istanbul in anattack for which The Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK), a splintergroup, claim responsibility.

March 19: A suicide bomber blows himself up in Istanbul's centralshopping district, killing four people and injuring 39 others. Threeof those killed are from Israel. According to the Turkish government,the attacker had links to Islamic State. The group does not takecredit for the attack, however.

March 13: 37 people are killed in a car bombing in Ankara. The TAKclaim responsibility.

February 17: 30 people, including the suicide bomber, die in anattack on a military convoy in Ankara. The TAK also claimresponsibility, the government blames the PKK.

January 12: Twelve Germans are killed in an attack on the historiccentre of Istanbul near the Hagia Sophia mosque. According to theTurkish government the suicide bomber was a member of Islamic State.