Krabi family killings inquiry does not point to political link

TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2017

AN ONGOING investigation into the massacre of a village head and his family members in Krabi has found no link to a local politician.

“At this point, the investigation is already more than 80 per cent complete. But we will definitely dig deeper and gather further evidence to ensure no culprits go unpunished,” Deputy National Police Commission Pol General Suthep Dejraksa said yesterday in his capacity as head of the investigation team. 
He spoke up after questions began to emerge as to whether the alleged mastermind, Surifath “Bang Fath” Bannoppawon-gsakul, could really run mortgage services on his own. 

Land disputes
Surifath, who is now in custody, has reportedly confessed that he shot Worayuth Sunglung, a village head in Krabi’s Ao Luk district, and family members on July 10 over a serious land and money dispute. 
The ongoing investigation revealed that Worayuth mortgaged some land plots to Surifath several years ago. 
The village head later repaid the loans but Surifath failed to return land-title deeds for the plots.
The suspected mastermind claims Worayuth got so angry and threatened to harm him. About 10 suspects have been detained and interrogated in the inquiry. 
The shootings inside Worayuth’s home caused eight deaths and injured three people, and rumours have emerged concerning a politician. 
“If convincing evidence implicates anyone else, we will definitely take action,” Suthep said.