Prince joins mourners viewing final procession


His Royal Highness Prince Dipangkorn Rasmijoti on Sunday afternoon visited the Pat Cafe Boran coffeeshop located on a street corner in front of Bangkok’s Wat Bavoranives Vihara to observe the final procession in the Royal Cremation Ceremony for HM the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

The prince arrived at the coffeeshop at about 5pm and was welcomed by many bystanders who were also waiting to watch the procession.
The procession of 77 cavalry troops accompanying a Royal Car that began at 5.30pm was to culminate in the transfer of HM the late King Adulyadej Bhumibol’s Royal Ashes from the Temple of the Emerald Buddha to the two key temples Wat Rajabopidh and Wat Bavoranives.

Prince joins mourners viewing final procession

Prince joins mourners viewing final procession

Prince joins mourners viewing final procession