Agency lodges police complaint against hospital over acid victim


THE HEALTH Service Support Department (HSSD) yesterday lodged police complaints against Praram 2 Hospital and its licence holder over several charges related to its handling of an acid-attack victim.

The victim, 38-year-old Chorladda Tharawan, succumbed to injuries on November 9 shortly after seeking services from the hospital. 
The complaint was filed with the Tha Kham Police Station. 
HSSD official Chatree Pinnai said his office had officially charged the Praram 2 Medical Group of failing to comply with legally-prescribed standards for medical facilities and not properly referring a patient to another medical service provider. 
Its licence holder, Dr Phira Kananuwat, is accused of two similar charges plus the additional charge of failing to ensure that his medical staff complied with professional standards. 
Most of these offences are punishable by a jail term of up to two years, and a maximum fine of Bt40,000.
“HSSD is of the opinion that Praram 2 Hospital violated the law by not treating Chorladda as an emergency patient,” Chatree said. 
Chorladda came to the Praram 2 Hospital in a taxi at dawn for treatment, but left soon after in another taxi to seek help at Bang Mod Hospital, where she was entitled to free treatment, and where she was pronounced dead. Several questions emerged as to whether Praram 2 should be held responsible for Chorladda’s death. 
Praram 2 Hospital chose not to treat her as an emergency patient – who is entitled to free treatments for 72 hours no matter which hospital he or she is registered with. 
Police say they will investigate.