Women's correctional institute making more masks to meet demand

FRIDAY, MARCH 06, 2020

Songkhla Women Correctional Institution inmates are producing face masks to meet demand – at a time when these key items have become scarce in the province.

Women\'s correctional institute making more masks to meet demand The correctional institute produced 500 masks per day, but has now increased this to 1,000. The price of the masks ranges from Bt15 to Bt25, depending on the design and quality.

Women\'s correctional institute making more masks to meet demand Director Nichakamol Trairatkum said the institution normally produces and sells the masks to government agencies, but recently began making the masks for the general people.

Women\'s correctional institute making more masks to meet demand “Mask production improves prisoners’ skills and generates money for them before they can leave the institution” she said.

Women\'s correctional institute making more masks to meet demand