New Test & Go scheme open to all nationalities, says CCSA


Registration for the new Test & Go scheme, which kicks off on February 1, is open to all nationalities, though registrants must be willing to undergo two RT-PCR tests during their first five days in the country, the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA)'s spokesperson Dr Apisamai Srirangsan said on Friday.

The original Test & Go scheme had opened the country to visitors from 63 countries/territories with a low level of Covid-19 infections. However, this scheme was suspended from December 22 in a bid to curb the spread of the highly transmissible Omicron variant.

“Under the revised criteria of Test & Go scheme, registration is no longer restricted by country/region of origin,” she said. “However, travellers are required to have two RT-PCR examinations, one on the day of arrival and second on the fifth day.

“They must also provide proof of booking and payment for two nights of SHA Extra Plus/AQ/OQ/AHQ hotel or accommodation on days one and five. The bookings do not necessarily have to be in the same hotel or even the same province. However, visitors must wait at the hotel for the test results,” she added.

“In case infections start surging or if there is a change in the situation, the CCSA may consider adjusting the measures and only allowing visitors to arrive under sandbox or quarantine conditions like before,” she said.

From January 1 to 27, 170,479 tourists have landed on Thai soil, and of them 3.63 per cent or 6,194 have tested positive. The arrivals are categorised as follows:

• 69,488 entered under Test & Go scheme, with 2,652 or 3.82 per cent testing positive.

• 70,593 entered under sandbox scheme, with 2,867 or 4.06 per cent testing positive.

• 30,398 people arrived under the alternative quarantine system, with 675 or 2.22 per cent testing positive.