Myanmar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs objects to UNs ruling

MONDAY, JUNE 21, 2021

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on June 19 objecting to the The Situation In Myanmar discussion at the United Nations General Assembly on June 18.

The statement objected to the one-sided portrayals and accusations to the matter put forward by Lichenstein, calling the subsequent decision by the UN "unjust".

The MOFA had also sent letters objecting to it to the UN Secretary General as well as the General Assembly Speaker.

The statement also rejects and condemns U Kyaw Moe Tun as he does not repersent Myanmar and his participation in the assembly as well as voting is illegal while also saying that while Myanmar appreciates the input from the international community in efforts to overcome the current turmoil, it cannot accept any actions that interferes with internal affairs and the nation's sovereignty.

It also says that Myanmar will continue to observe good relations with the international community as per its policies while working towards for the interests of the nation such as everlasting peace and continuing development.