Obama bayoneted himself in the foot


In Monday's third and final presidential debate President Obama repeatedly tried to stare down candidate Mitt Romney in an attempt to look presidential. Instead he came off looking angry and arrogant. He did not help his cause by being verbally condescend


Obama also sarcastically suggested that “submarines and aircraft carriers” are a novelty that dramatically changed the naval campaigns in the 21st century. In fact submarines were used as far back as the American revolutionary war. The first aircraft carriers also found their service in 1914 in the Japanese navy. They were used extensively during WW2.
Do American voters really want to re-elect a commander-in-chief who has little concept of technological advance and who doesn’t know his own military’s capabilities? Obama has already destroyed the economy and is intent on taking away religious freedom from the people through Obamacare. Let’s hope that he is not given another four years to also be a military patsy for America’s foreign enemies.
Paul Kokoski
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada