We need balanced opinions, not rants


The style of JC Wilcox's latest missive (Letters, July 30) resembles nothing so much as a propaganda tract in the old Soviet Union. He has already rewritten the textbooks on democracy, now he is rewriting history, which is, of course, normal practice in a

There is another story besides his. Thailand has always been governed by self-serving politicians who have furthered their own interests and protected the power and wealth of an elite minority at the expense of the poor majority. 
Then one self-serving politician wins the support of the poor by a small degree of wealth redistribution. This is unbearable for the elite. State pensions and free healthcare for the poorest in society. What next! 
Another self-serving politician leads a campaign to disrupt the country, bringing chaos in its wake, and, with the help of his friends in the Army, succeeds in overthrowing the elected government. This is the other side of the coin and equally biased and partial. We need objectivity and calm heads but it is difficult to see where they will come from. 
In the meantime, we all know Wilcox is the junta’s chief standard bearer, but is it too much to hope that one day we will be addressed with even a slight degree of objectivity and balance instead of being subjected to a rant.
Keith Barlow