For your drooling pleasure


Best, Bank, Pure and Pie are among the finalists in Men's Health Magazine's 2015 Guys' Challenge

TWELVE total hunks have emerged as the finalists in the Men’s Health Guys’ Challenge 2015 – selected from among 500 entrants – and they’re being assessed not just on brawn but on brains as well.
The Thai edition of Men’s Health magazine, whose website gets 38 million views a month, will announce the winner at the end of October.
The winner gets prizes worth Bt100,000 in total and can ex-|pect plenty of career-enhancing offers.
“This is considered the hardest stage of the selection process,” says Chachawin Unhanan, the Thai edition’s editor-in-chief. “These men were picked on the basis of not only good looks and good physiques but, above all, a good mind. A good personality comes from inside as well as outside, and our finalists are all truly gentlemen. 
“This is all about charm. No matter what role they have in society, these guys can be good role models for others.”
Good minds, fair enough, but get a load of those muscles on Chondanai “Taro” Tiankanon, Lapol “Bank” Phattarakul, Thanasit “Best” Puengnoi, Chayodom “Seed” Sornlee, Tienthat “Pure” Thongthip, Kittitach “Kim” Sinpipatporn, Pumin “Tao” Thamkhan, Parot “Pie” Anantawong, Nalat “Papang” Priyapornmarnwich, Arach Withayakorn, Natchanon “Nat” Kittiwongkorn and Tarathorn “Poo” Phumiratana!
They were chosen as finalists thanks to poise during interviews but also solid performance at a military-style “boot camp”, where their physical strength was sorely tested, as were their self-discipline and moral composure. The boys even had a meditation session in a temple cemetery.
The judges are looking for a winner with a well-developed body, good health and an admirable attitude toward life. He has to be morally upstanding, show respect for others, dress appropriately according to time and place, and demonstrate leadership ability but also be ready to fit into a team. They want someone who will be of genuine benefit to society once given celebrity status.
The unveiling of the 12 finalists this week included a few words of advice from actor-singers Louis Scott and Pakin “Tono” Kumwilaisuk. They shared ideas with the entrants about boosting their sex appeal and maintaining good health.