Why Thai politicians hate the English language


Re: "Thai language needed to fully grasp what we went through under Thaksin", Letters, November 23.

There are many foreigners living here who do not speak Thai but have Thai families and are fully conversant with the course of Thai politics over the last two decades and well before that. 
The political course set when the monarchy changed from absolute to constitutional in 1932 only formed the first step towards democracy. Democracy was not established as the form of government at that time. Awarding universal suffrage only compounded the situation, and Thaksin Shinawatra took full advantage. Because the restraining principles of democracy had not been established, he had carte blanche to do as he wished. 
If democratic principles of accountability and an apolitical legal system (including law enforcement and the military) had been established, there would not have been a Thaksin and 20 coups d’etat would not have occurred. 
Knowledge of the Thai language is not required to understand that. What was needed was for Thais to have knowledge of the international language of English. Having the ability to read books and articles in English would have enlightened people to Thaksin’s exploitation of their country. 
By only speaking and understanding Thai, people only read and heard that which was translated into Thai. Those in power can thereby control much of the information available to the people. Thaksin was well aware of this. Education was not on his list of priorities and his populist policies were designed only to get votes.
JC Wilcox