Extermination is the rational solution to stray-dog problem 

FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2017

Re: “Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right”, Have Your Say, June 15.

So Eric Bahrt considers my call for the destruction of dogs “pathological cruelty”. Perhaps Eric could spare a thought for the countless numbers of innocent people whose lives are adversely affected by dogs on a daily basis. The most visible are those who are senselessly and needlessly bitten and savaged – Eric being a recent example. The less visible are the quiet majority who cannot sleep, who have to watch where the tread lest they step in filth and who fear stepping outside due to packs of these vicious animals.
No, Eric, calling for the destruction of vermin is not “pathological cruelty”, it is common sense and a civic duty.
Do not forget this: If you keep a dog, your neighbours hate you.
Suffered dogs far too long