No such a thing as a reasonable white supremacist


Re: “False gentility is a poor disguise for extremist hate”, Have Your Say, yesterday.

Ian Martin gets to the heart of the matter by rightly condemning the hate peddlers who pollute this column with their white supremacist-supporting garbage.
I applaud his stand, and of course those of Dr Frank, Eric Bahrt and others, who are never afraid to tackle the falsely avuncular creatures who portray themselves as so-called reasonable men. I have a message for them: there is not, nor will there ever be, such a thing as a reasonable white supremacist. You people are incapable of moral reasoning and justify your position with cheap jibes aimed at your moral superiors.
I am all for free speech, but there are some contributors here who abuse the privilege. Keystroke Spetsnaz, indeed.
Simon Ordsall