Voice heard from the rubbish bin


In the current political situation, it is sad to see The Nation turning one-sided and exercising “campaign journalism”. Is The Nation unable to find at least one commentator among the majority of Thais (as per the last poll) who does not see the 90-day election delay as a problem? 

Even letters from readers like me that do not serve your current new course are evidently refused. I am surprised the normally more liberal Nation threw my letter about foreign or overseas funding of protesters in the trash bin, yet your competitor printed it! Are you not concerned about eventual foreign/overseas interference in Thai politics? And is it a touchy theme – after half a day, my letter was removed from that other paper, but a day later re-posted (strange) – and a topic The Nation does not want to touch? 
And now we see new overseas interference from the Shinawatras, who, by the way, on tourist visas, want to talk about Thai politics on foreign soil. It’s an amazing world we live in. And The Nation prints pretty pictures of Yingluck, showing its support. Otherwise we would see unattractive pictures, demonising the lady.  
A Johnsen
Ho Chi Minh City