Extremism infects every religion, so why focus on Muslims?  


JC Wilcox expects us to believe that he makes a distinction between secular Muslims and those who follow the religion.

Why doesn’t he do the same with Christians who have a horrible history of committing atrocities such as the Inquisition? Or suppose men followed the Christian Bible’s advice that if they find out on their wedding night that their wife is not a virgin they should kill her.
How come this odious hypocrite doesn’t say anything when his fellow Buddhists in Myanmar rape, torture and burn alive innocent Muslims? Or what about Jewish extremism, such as when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the Bible gives Israel the right to steal Jerusalem from the Palestinians?
Gandhi noted that his own Hindu religion was responsible for the terrible caste system. And that’s the difference between Gandhi, who hated all religious extremism, and Wilcox, who only condemns it when he can use it as an excuse to whip up hatred against Muslims.
As I’ve said before, Wilcox uses his Buddhist religion as a doormat to wipe his bloody feet on.
Eric Bahrt
Chiang Mai