Tollbooth staff making unnecessary racket on road to Pattaya

THURSDAY, MAY 10, 2018

The completion of the toll road from Pattaya to Bangkok is a major achievement and will no doubt improve the lives of many commuters.

However, I have to point out that this has not been achieved without inflicting considerable discomfort and stress from incessant noise made by the staff on microphones at the toll gates at the Nongprue Junction. This loud noise is extremely intrusive, except to the motorists it is intended for. The purpose seems to be to inform drivers on the use of the toll system. This new tollbooth is not different from the existing ones along the motorway, so I respectfully question why any explanation on their use is necessary.
 At the tollbooth, the motorists in their sound-insulated cars, probably with the radio or stereo on, cannot hear the operators on their microphones (like demented karaoke singers) trying to give them instructions.
Better signage to provide the motorist with the information is required prior to arrival at the booth. This would be more appropriate, effective, safer and most of all less noise polluting for nearby residents already coping with the extra traffic noise created by the highway.
 The affected residents do hope very much that the authorities from the Department of Highways are reading this letter and will take notice of this annoying situation. Thank you.
Daniel Biel