Readers, please stop feeding the beast in Beasley!

TUESDAY, JULY 03, 2018

Re:  “Too many vegetables, not enough meat”, Have Your Say, July 3.

I applaud Nigel Pike’s view that we need to read less about vegetarianism in this column and more about more pressing matters.  There is only one point on which I disagree with him. He includes among those pressing matters the sexual exploits of my husband, Horace Beasley.
Please don’t encourage him, Mr Pike! If what I get every couple of months is an example of his “sexual exploits”, there’s nothing worth reading about. My husband’s sexual prowess is all in his head. You’ve heard the saying, “All talk, no action?”  That’s my Horace. It’s all “grunt, grunt, ahhh! Zzzzz.” On lucky days I might get a third grunt.  [Note to editor: You might want to excise the last two sentences in the interests of good taste. – CB]
I have taken to confiscating copies of The Nation as soon as they arrive in the morning (we subscribe) so that my husband won’t be exposed to such misguided encouragement. (Currently he is nurturing a nascent infatuation with the South Korean foreign minister, whom he calls “an ageing hottie”.) When he asks where the newspaper is, I tell him the dog ate it. And we don’t have a dog.
Constance Beasley (Mrs)