WEDNESDAY, April 24, 2024

Why diet-related deaths will remain high despite the trans fats ban   

Why diet-related deaths will remain high despite the trans fats ban   

Re: “The truth about trans fats”, Lifestyle, July 31.

This is a good article that aids understanding about why the Public Health Ministry has banned the production, importation and distribution of trans fats in food products containing partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs).
From January next year, trans fats in PHOs will no longer be legal in Thailand. The trans fats that naturally occur in meat and dairy products are not generally hazardous to health. 
The regulation will help reduce consumers’ risk of developing heart disease and related conditions. But it won’t eradicate diet-related disease altogether. That’s because food products, especially bakery items, will still contain saturated fats. Eating too much saturated fat will also increase your chance of developing heart disease as well as conditions like dyslipidemia (blood-lipid imbalance), diabetes and problems with blood pressure.
Since we are all exposed constantly to a fast food high-fat culture, it’s perhaps worth remembering the importance of eating a balanced diet. We can increase our consumption of “good fats” against unhealthy fats by eating more fish instead of meat, eating more fresh, lightly boiled vegetables rather than fried food, and eating fruits to replace fatty snacks. Drinking warm water also helps raise the metabolism.
Balanced meals offer health benefits not only for adults and the elderly but also for youths and children. The rates of childhood obesity and diet-related illness in early adulthood are rising fast. Around 70 per cent of Thai people die from non-communicable diseases, many of which will be diet-related.
Public health agencies should take the opportunity of the trans fats ban to arm the public with information on other bad eating habits, including the over-consumption of snacks with too much sugar or salt.
Continuously educating people about the importance of good diet and balanced food consumption takes empowers productivity of the workforce and takes pressure off state-funded services like healthcare.
Sutipunt Bongsununt
