Hatred of Trump is fuelling rush to condemn Kavanaugh


Re: “Kavanaugh accused of attempted rape, not teenage prank”, Have Your Say, yesterday.

Judge Kavanaugh is “guilty by accusation”, according to Eric Bahrt’s upside-down thinking. Congratulations may be in order. In one swipe, Bahrt has overturned a centuries-old foundation of the law – one is innocent until all factual evidence proves otherwise. 
President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court is a true constitutionalist with an impeccable record among his peers, has no less than six FBI investigations behind him, and has security clearance equal to that of President Trump for access to the very highest level. Yet Bahrt and others are so blinded by hatred for Trump that it is devouring their minds, hearts and souls. Negativity has never produced anything positive, constructive or creative.
I fully endorse Rajendra Aneja’s comments, which are clear, well researched, unbiased and pertinently level-headed (“A truth ignored by #MeToo: Ambitious women use their charms”, October 1). I dare say bravo to him.
Rachel Mitchell, the sex-crime prosecutor nominated by the Senate Judiciary Committee, has a 25-year-unblemished record. Reporting on her cross-examination of Christine Blasey Ford, she says her accusation against Kavanaugh is below even the level of “he says, she says”. The details are available on the Internet, and easy to find even for a very elderly gentleman like me. Look them up: the truth will set you free.