'Crisis panel' could rid us of coups for good


Re: "Scepticism over 'crisis' panel", News, August 13.

Constitution Drafting Committee chief Borwornsak Uwanno’s idea for a panel that would restore peace in times of national crisis warrants scepticism, because it is both unusual and innovative. 
However, if given the green light, the so-called National Strategic Reform and Reconciliation Commission could rid Thailand of coups d’état for good, because it would feature representatives from the military, judiciary, Parliament and government who could resolve conflicts as intractable as the Yingluck-Suthep stand-off before they got out of hand.
The commission could act as a pressure valve for hot tempers and seek middle ground on which both sides can stand. As former German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard said, “Compromise is the art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone believes he has the biggest piece.” 
The proposal sounds promising, yet many of its critics seem unable to embrace this change, preferring instead to continue with their endless political games.
Songdej Praditsmanont