Godzilla: friend or foe?

MONDAY, JUNE 03, 2019

SF World Cinema at CentralWorld celebrated the international release of “Godzilla II: King of the Monsters” – the 35th film in the Godzilla franchise, the third film in Legendary’s MonsterVerse, and the third Godzilla film to be completely produced by a Hollywood studio by holding an event and exhibition of Godzilla figures.

“Godzilla is depicted as an enormous, prehistoric creature which has survived extinction but been awakened and empowered by nuclear radiation. In 1954’s ‘Gojira’, the director wanted Godzilla to represent the nuclear bomb and the violence in the aftermath of nuclear warfare. So, Godzilla can connect to humans easier than other monsters. It is like us looking at our mistakes,” said movie guru and columnist Eakarach “Beer” Monwat.


Godzilla: friend or foe?

    But is Godzilla a good or bad monster and does he protect or destroy the world?
    “Actually, Godzilla is a living creature above our understanding. Since the debut movie in 1954, we have never known why Godzilla comes ashore. Later, the producer Toho created Godzilla to be like a hero for children. For me, I guess that Godzilla seems to protect its territory like a dog. I think that it should be an anti-hero,” said Beer.
    What is “Godzilla II: King of the Monsters” about?
    “I think that the producer wanted to interpret Godzilla to be like a man, like the last samurai, who keeps the balance or the rules. Godzilla will appear when a monster comes,” said Beer.


Godzilla: friend or foe?

    “I compare Godzilla to be like a sumo, Japanese wrestler. In my memory, I have always thought that Godzilla is a hero. But, in 1998, Godzilla was interpreted to be like a lizard, or iguana that had been affected from radioactivity,” said Theerachai Wimolchaireuk, aka Toni Rakkaen.
    “The movie wasn’t successful because Godzilla was too thin and died after being shot. But, Toho has a rule that Godzilla mustn’t be dead. So he can return to life,” said Beer.


Godzilla: friend or foe?

    This second sequel also includes three monsters: Rodan, a “massive Abomb” that brings “speed and ferocity”, Mothra, a moth with long legs in order to defend herself against other monsters, and King Ghidorah, a giant three-headed dragon with a massive wingspan and Godzilla’s archenemy.
“King Ghidorah’s three heads can move like a snake and wolf,” said the guru.
    For more information and ticket reservations, call SF Smart Call: 1349 or visit www.SFCinemaCity.com.