Bangkok offers convenient booking for marriage registration via BMAQ app


Each of the 50 district locations will serve up to 30 couples per day

Couples who wish to register their marriage in metropolitan Bangkok can book their queue in advance via mobile application BMAQ, available on both iOS and android devices, the city administration announced on Friday.

The announcement came just before the official legalisation of same-sex marriage in Thailand under the Marriage Equality Bill, which will come into effect on January 22. District offices nationwide expected a high volume of marriage registration on Thursday (January 23).

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) said online booking via the app can be made up to 10 working days in advance. Applicants can select the location from 50 district offices and 12 express service counters.

Each location can serve up to 30 couples per day from 8am to noon, and 1pm to 5pm.

Successful registration will give you a QR code, which must be shown to officials at the counter to confirm your queue and receive service.

The BMA advised applicants to prepare related documents and not be late for their appointment. Those who are over 15 minutes late will lose their spot to the next candidates.

The Marriage Equality Bill was published in the Royal Gazette on September 24, 2024 granting same-sex couples the same legal rights and protections as heterosexual couples. A 120-day moratorium has been implemented to allow for necessary legal adjustments.

The landmark legislation makes Thailand the first Southeast Asian country to legalise same-sex marriage, and the third in Asia following Taiwan and Nepal.