Bilderberg globalist elite just mapped out our future in secret (again) 

SUNDAY, JUNE 02, 2019

The most powerful figures in Europe and America met in secret over the weekend and the mainstream media was nowhere to be seen.

The Bilderberg meeting is a gathering of the movers and shakers of globalism and the new world order. The lack of media coverage was hardly astonishing, though, since this cabal controls at least 90 per cent of the (fake) mainstream news and between 50 and 70 per cent of the world’s riches.
Among the “luminaries” at the meeting in Montreux, Switzerland, one name stuck out. Henry Kissinger has called soldiers “dumb animals” and, in quite a few European countries, would be arrested and charged with war crimes. As US National Security Adviser, Kissinger sold out South Vietnam to the communists in negotiating the Paris Accords of 1973. He was rewarded for this with the Nobel Peace Prize – which his co-negotiator, Le Duc Tho, was dignified enough to refuse, pointing out that the Accords had not achieved peace.
Also at the Bilderberg meeting was Jared Kushner. The son-in-law of Donald Trump has been tasked with sealing the ultimate peace treaty between the Palestinians and Israel – what Trump calls the “deal of the century”. We all shall be witness to this event.
Other guests included the president of Switzerland and US Secretary of State and former CIA chief Mike Pompeo, who publicly declared that the CIA’s credo is “Lie, Cheat, Steal” (see YouTube for the proof). Such a declaration does not chime with his self-professed faith in Christianity.
There are many more such dubious characters among the 120 to 150 Bilderberg guests – a not-so-fine-smelling bunch.
And all this took place under the most stringent security lockdown, provided by the Swiss police and special units of the military. Do these good people know that they are protecting the very entities that plan to submit them to slavery?