Digital technology is key to cut costs, survey finds

TUESDAY, MAY 07, 2019

AS DIGITAL technologies continue to reinvent how businesses grow and operate, the associated risks and opportunities are prompting companies to expand their cost management strategies, according to Deloitte’s second biennial global cost survey released yesterday. 

The study, “Save-to-transform as a Catalyst for Embracing Digital Disruption”, shows that while traditional cost reduction methods are still crucial, many organisations are also investing heavily in transformative digital technologies to improve operating efficiency and cost savings, while also boosting overall performance and competitiveness in an increasingly digital world.
Concurrently, as digital disruption emerges as an impetus for change, cost management remains a strong imperative globally. According to the survey of more than 1,200 global executives and business leaders, 71 per cent are planning to undertake cost reduction initiatives over the next 24 months. Sixty-eight per cent reported total reductions of 10 per cent or higher, and nearly one-third (31 per cent) have cost improvement targets above 20 per cent. Eighty-one per cent, however, report being unable to meet fully their cost reduction goals during the past year, 18 percentage points worse than in 2017, due to implementation challenges, lack of effective systems and non-feasible targets.
Demonstrating the significant role technology is playing in shaping cost management strategies, digital disruption soared to the top of the list as the biggest external risk, according to respondents at 61 per cent, up from just 6 per cent in 2017. Digital disruption was surpassed only by another technology-related risk, cybersecurity, which at 62 per cent ranks at or near the top of the risk list globally and in all regions except Latin America. Internally, reliability and functionality of information systems was identified as a top risk.
“In today’s highly dynamic and competitive landscape, digital disruption is changing how companies view every aspect of their business, including cost management practices,” said Omar Aguilar, principal and global strategic cost transformation leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP. “Deloitte’s study shows that businesses are now recognising they must save-to-transform, using investments in digital infrastructure to drive dramatic improvements in future performance, efficiency and market position.”
Digital risks are spurring organisations to use cost reduction as a mechanism to fund technological transformation. Globally, the survey found that application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning is expected to more than double from 25 per cent to 63 per cent. Findings also show similar growth is expected for automation (25 per cent to 62 per cent) and business intelligence (35 per cent to 59 per cent). Cloud continues to be the most widely implemented digital technology covered by the survey at 49 per cent and is expected to remain popular due to its ability to tighten data security, as well as to reduce costs and improve productivity. However, all technologies in the survey are expected to be implemented at a level of 47 per cent or higher over the next 24 months, signalling the widespread business impact of technology innovation.

Well-placed for transformation 
The survey also found that companies are well positioned to undergo this type of transformation, with 86 per cent of respondents reporting increased revenue over the past two years. This optimistic outlook continues into the future, with the same number of respondents expecting revenue growth over the next 24 months as businesses around the world enjoy one of the longest periods of economic expansion in history.
Even with the optimistic outlook, however, forward-thinking organisations are taking a cautionary stance. Economic patterns are cyclical, and potential warning signs are starting to emerge. In particular, the survey data show a 97 per cent increase in global respondents who are concerned about macroeconomic risk over the next two years, and a 20 per cent increase in US respondents who expect a significant reduction in consumer demand over the same period.
“The 2019 study shows that companies have an enormous opportunity to capitalise on current economic strengths and leverage cost management practices to transform and innovate their businesses,” said Jason Girzadas, managing principal, consulting, Deloitte Global. “Our mission at Deloitte is to help organisations around the world implement these transformations and make their businesses more efficient and more successful, now and in the future.”
Added Aguilar, “Cost management practices and approaches have grown increasingly sophisticated over time, and digital solutions, although still maturing, now represent the most advanced level of cost management. 
By harnessing the power of digital technology to streamline their cost structures and generate cost savings, companies can take full advantage of the latest digital innovations – becoming the disrupters, rather than the disrupted.”