No vax needed for Thai travel but China arrivals must have Covid insurance


The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT) on Tuesday issued a new Notice to Airmen (Notam) that cancels mandatory Covid-19 vaccination.

The previous Notam, issued on Saturday, required airlines to check passengers for proof of at least two vaccine jabs and minimum health coverage of US$10,000 before boarding. Issued just two days before China removed restrictions on international travel, the “two-jab plus insurance” rule sparked a backlash from Thai tourism operators who complained it had forced many travellers to cancel flights and bookings.

The new Notam issued on Tuesday includes the following updates:

1. Vaccination is no longer required.

2. Passengers from countries that require an RT-PCR test on return are advised to have health insurance covering at least US$10,000 of Covid-19 treatment during their stay in Thailand, plus seven days.

2.1 Flight crew, students, and others on special business can use a letter from their host or other forms of insurance to cover the requirement.

2.2 Absence of health insurance is not a reason to deny boarding.

2.3 Passengers from countries that require an RT-PCR test will be checked randomly for proof of insurance. Those who cannot show proof will have to purchase health insurance before being processed by Thai immigration.

3. Thai passport holders and transit/transfer passengers are exempted from the health insurance check.

4. Airlines must comply with all regulations and guidance including asking passengers to wear masks at all times, except during meals or emergencies.

5. Passengers showing symptoms of Covid-19 during travel will be advised to test on arrival.

Travellers from China will need health insurance as their home country requires an RT-PCR test on re-entry.

The new Notam is effective until January 31.