Senior cop suspended after Chuwit’s blistering Facebook post


The police officer alleged to be an owner of the biggest online gambling website in Thailand has been identified as Lt-Colonel Wasawat Mookarasakul by Chuwit Kamolvisit, a former politician and massage parlour tycoon turned whistleblower.

Chuwit initially referred to him by the nickname “Inspector Sua”, but in a Facebook post on Thursday night he named him.

Wasawat has been “temporarily suspended from duty”, police said on Friday.

The Lt-Colonel’s alleged dual role in law enforcement and crime is having a “severe impact on police agencies”, Chuwit said.

“It is not good to have a police officer operating a criminal organisation,” he added.

He urged the police to investigate, adding that those involved in online gambling knew the officer as "Sua of Pentor Group". Online gambling is illegal in Thailand.

“I have brought this case to the attention of National Police Chief General Damrongsak Kittiprapas,” Chuwit said.

Wasawat had been systematic in setting up a criminal organisation, Chuwit alleged.

Wasawat has stakes in 10 companies under the Pentor Group that are used for money laundering, Chuwit alleged.

According to Chuwit, they are:

1. Pentor Exchange: a foreign currency exchange business operator

2. PT Software: a computer software manufacturer and developer

3. Pentor Property: a residential and commercial property business operator

4. Pentor Entertainment: an entertainment venue operator (Tomorrow Land Exclusive Lounge and Dubai Luxury Club in Bangkok)

5. Snocko Technology: a computer industry personnel developer

6. AMB Games: an online gaming operator

7. Esyms: an online healthcare platform developer

8. Pentor Group Saving and Credit Cooperative

9. Pentor Group Foundation

10. Lalisa 2020: a massage parlour operator

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