Srisuwan punched in the face over complaint to EC against Pheu Thai’s digital wallet promise

THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2023

Thailand’s serial litigator, Srisuwan Janya, was punched in the mouth on Thursday after he had finished testifying to the Election Commission (EC) in a complaint he had filed against the Pheu Thai Party over its digital wallet promise to voters.

The incident happened after Srisuwan, who was wearing a face mask, was speaking to reporters in front of the EC office. An unidentified elderly man suddenly rushed and punched him in the mouth at around 11.30am.

The alleged attacker shouted: “You complain too much. Why did you file your complaints against the Pheu Thai and Move Forward parties? Why are you complaining against Pita [Limjaroenrat, Move Forward leader] when the election is about to be held?”

Srisuwan, who has a reputation for approaching the courts with numerous issues of public interest, appeared stunned by the assault.

After the attacker had left, the activist removed his mask to show a bleeding lower lip to reporters.

He said he would file a complaint against the attacker at Thung Song Hong Police Station.

“He punched me immediately after I finished speaking to reporters. I’ve never met this man,” Srisuwan said.

The attacker, who was at a distance from Srisuwan after the attack, told reporters at the scene that he was angry over the activist filing complaints with the EC against Pheu Thai and Move Forward.

The man said Srisuwan should have let the EC decide on its own whether the election law was violated or not.

Srisuwan punched in the face over complaint to EC against Pheu Thai’s digital wallet promise Srisuwan has alleged that Pheu Thai had violated the election law by promising to give a form of bribe to voters to vote for it by promising to hand out 10,000 baht in digital form to 50 million Thais who are at least 16 years old.

The EC called him to testify on Thursday morning.

It was not the first time that Srisuwan has been attacked because of his complaints.

On October 18 last year, a supporter of the red-shirt anti-government group physically assaulted Srisuwan as he tried to file yet another complaint at the Technology Crime Suppression Division. The attacker was later arrested.

Srisuwan punched in the face over complaint to EC against Pheu Thai’s digital wallet promise