Phang Nga hotel offers 360-degree view of bay, highest glass skywalk


A new hotel in Phang Nga’s Takua Thung district is banking on its major attraction — the longest and highest glass walkway in Thailand — to draw tourists.

The Beyond Skywalk Nangshi Hotel near the famous Samed Nangshi viewpoint on a mountaintop offers a spectacular view of the Phang Nga Bay, which used to be the setting of a James Bond movie.

The skywalk of the hotel, which is under management of the Kata Group Resorts Thailand, also offers a splendid view of thousands of small limestone mountains that prop up from the Andaman Sea at the bay.

Beyond Skywalk is about 180 metres long and is about 80 metres above sea level. It is made of 30-millimetre-thick safety glass that can withstand a weight of up to 500 kilograms per square metre.

Phang Nga hotel offers 360-degree view of bay, highest glass skywalk

The hotel is now charging an entry fee of 500 baht per adult and 300 baht per student. Entrance is free for young children. The tickets can be used to redeemed foods and drinks of the same price in the hotel.

The hotel said that the promotional prices were on offer until the end of this month.

The group that has been operating hotels for over 40 years offers 57 rooms at the new hotel.

Phang Nga hotel offers 360-degree view of bay, highest glass skywalk

They include tents with sea view and mountain view as well as villas and pool villas and also sea view pavilion.

The hotel highlights a large swimming pool on the fourth floor as part of the upper lobby where guests can have coffee and other drinks.

The hotel also offers long-tailed boat services to James Bond Island and other nearby islands. Phang Nga hotel offers 360-degree view of bay, highest glass skywalk