Recommended viewing before you tuck into that turkey sandwich


Re: “‘I wish you a miserable Xmas!’ A cheerless vegan hypocrite writes...”, Have Your Say, yesterday.

Nigel Pike responds to my letter calling for kindness and compassion for turkeys by saying he’ll enjoy ramming stuffing up the backside of the Christmas turkey he will name Jenny. What a thoroughly vulgar and violent comment to make, Nigel. I strongly suggest you watch some of the documentaries – such as “Earthlings” and “Dominion” – that show the unspeakable suffering animals are compelled to endure simply to satisfy your taste buds. If these videos don’t make you change your opinion maybe you’ll have to wait until your next life. I’m sure that when you come back as a factory farmed turkey you’ll be convinced of the cruelty and injustice!
Jenny Moxham